TOMBSTONE - Section: Hedge, Lot # 106

Neal and Sarah Zollars tombstone

Sarah Zollars

wife of Neal Zollars

1836 - 1902


Genealogy information donated to site by a descendant:

Neil and Sarah Zollars (Hedge Lot #106) had a daughter Catherian "Kate" Zollars d 1951

Joseph and Mariah Shidler Richards Hedge Lot #242 had a son Harry Hudson Richards

Kate Zollars was Harry Hudson Richards second wife and they are buried in Green County PA at the memorial park. They had a daughter Emma Jane Richards Carson 1905-1993

Emma Jane Richards, bore by (Harry Hudson Richards' second wife Kate Z.) was named for his first wife Emma Jane Curry Richards as Harry's first and second wife's had been good friends.

Emma Jane Curry Richards (1st wife)is also buried in Hedge Lot #242 next to Kate Zollars (2nd wife) parents. A very strange situation indeed. Here marker is the one that states wife of H. H. Richards. Court records show Emma Jane Curry Richards died of fever, she died from childbirth that caused the fever the day my Great Uncle Joesph Richards 1895-195? was born. He is my Grandmothers 1/2 brother.


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