TOMBSTONE - Stephen Hill Family Cemetery in Scenery Hill, Washington Co., PA - near Marianna

Stephen Hill

Stephen Hill

died Feb 9, 1834

age 66 years

Stephen and his father George Hill founded Hill's Tavern which later became the Century Inn in Hillsboro which later became Scenery Hill, PA. The Century Inn is still in operation today.


In Memory of Stephen Hill who departed this life Feb 9, 1834 in the 66th year of his age.


Sometime after the family cemetery was mapped in 1987, this stone and the matching footstone was taken from the cemetery. The map drawn in 1987 shows that at that time the stone was leaning against the fence of the cemetery as replacement stones had been put in the cemetery. Last year (2008) the tombstone and footstone were returned to the family that now owns the property where the cemetery is located and the stone is now safely stored so it doesn't disappear again. The newer stone is in the cemetery.





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